How to embed Google Wallet or Apple wallet button on Wix

How add to google/apple wallet button works?

You can embed a dynamic button on your WordPress site that adjusts its appearance based on the user's browser. For instance, if someone is using Safari, the button will display "add to apple wallet " button, and if they're on Chrome it will show "add to google wallet" button. This button will direct users to add a apple or google pass to their wallet that you have created

Add to Google Wallet Button (Chrome View)

Add to Apple Wallet Button (Safari View)

How to embed ?

1) Go to the page where you want to add the “Add to Wallet” button. Click on the “Edit” button to open the editor.

2) Click on the “+” button on the left side of the screen , select "embed code" and add "embed HTML" block on your webpage.

3) Now Click on edit Code a box will appear here , select "Code" here

4) Now paste the code snippet given below inside the block that says ("Add your code here").

window.onload = function() {
  // Paste the pass link here in the button url string
   const buttonUrl="";
  var button = document.getElementById("addToWalletButton");
  var userAgent = window.navigator.userAgent;
  var img = document.getElementById("walletImage");
  if (userAgent.indexOf("Chrome") != -1 && userAgent.indexOf("Safari") != -1 && userAgent.indexOf("Edg") == -1) {
    img.src = "";
  } else if (userAgent.indexOf("Safari") != -1 && userAgent.indexOf("Chrome") == -1) {
    img.src = "";
  } else {
    img.src = "";
  } = 'none';'none'; = '250px'; = '72px'; = '100%'; = '100%'; = 'pointer';
  button.onmousedown = function() { = 'scale(0.9)';
  button.onmouseup = function() { = 'scale(1)';
  button.onclick = function() {, '_blank');
<button id="addToWalletButton">
<img id="walletImage" src="" alt="addToWalletButton"/>

5) Replace the buttonUrl string with the pass url that you have created. You can copy the url after creating a pass and clicking on the copy icon.

5) Click on preview button on the top to preview the google or apple add to wallet button on our wix page.

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